Join Us For This Invite Only Event

This exclusive event will provide you with the opportunity to hear from like-minded senior court officials and their experiences regarding recent challenges and approaches surrounding the forces of change as it relates to cloud, security, social unrest and virtual operations. You'll also have an opportunity to hear about Tyler's roadmap for the court enterprise and remote delivery.

This free virtual event will take place beginning November 12. Registration will include all five sessions over the two-week period.

3 Great Reasons to Attend
Day One –Thursday, November 12, 2020 1:00 – 3:00 CST

A Word From Our President, Courts & Justice Division – Rusty Smith

Innovation among our community is nothing new. Have we experienced a pause to our established plans, a change in direction, or an accelerant towards a more digital way of providing service?

1:00 – 1:30pm

Community Panel: Challenges and Approaches for Managing Court Operations

In this moderated panel, peer leaders from across the country will discuss the key operational challenges they have faced in the past year, their preparation and methods for overcoming them, and the opportunities laid bare by the pandemic. Participants include a cross-section of judges, clerks, and IT professionals from across the Odyssey client base, including both statewide and county perspectives.

1:30 – 3:00pm

Day Two – Friday, November 13, 2020 1:00 – 2:30 CST

Tyler’s Roadmap for the Court Enterprise

Join us as we provide insights into Tyler’s product direction for court management and operations given the challenges and opportunities of the day.

1:00 – 2:30pm

Day Three – Tuesday, November 17, 2020 1:00 – 2:30 CST

Community Panel: Challenges and Approaches for Delivering Remote Court Services

In this moderated panel, peer leaders from across the country will discuss the pressure points for offering traditional court services remotely, the models that haven’t worked, and the ones that have. Are these new traditions or a passing fad?

1:00 – 2:30pm

Day Four – Wednesday, November 18, 2020 1:00 – 2:30 CST

Tyler’s Roadmap for Remote Service Delivery

Join us as we provide insights into Tyler’s product direction for remote services and the stakeholders they accommodate.

1:00 – 2:30pm

Day Five – Thursday, November 19, 2020 1:00 – 2:30 CST

Justice and the Digital Propellant: Conclusions, Observations, and Guidance

As we bring the executive series to a close, we will summarize the insights we have gathered during our time together and will review the keys to keeping the conversation moving.

1:00 – 2:30pm


  • Why was this event turned into a virtual event?
    With our annual user conference, Tyler Connect, and other Tyler events being canceled this year due to COVID-19, it was important to share industry insights, client experiences and approaches to the forces of change like-minded senior court officials face today, as well as an update on Tyler’s Roadmap for the Court Enterprise and Remote Delivery.

  • What is the cost to attend Tyler Executive Series?
    Free for all 5 sessions

  • Do I need any special equipment?
    You will need a computer or tablet, internet connection, and headphones (if you wish).

  • Will there be interaction?
    Attendees will have the ability to submit questions throughout the sessions as well as participate in polling and surveys to provide input for future discussions.

  • Will the Tyler Executive Series be recorded?

  • Will the Tyler Executive Series have closed captioning?
    Yes, closed captioning will be provided for the hearing impaired.

Register Today

Painting the vision of fully connected communities.

At Tyler, we imagine a world where all city, county, and regional government services are connected within a healthy digital infrastructure. Connecting data, processes, and people makes communities safer, smarter, and more responsive to the needs of residents.

More About Connected Communities