Looking for some quick stats on Tyler Technologies?

The below fast facts give a quick overview about our company, our products, and our clients so you can get to know us better.

Our Company

  • Tyler was founded: 1966
  • Tyler began exclusively serving the public sector: 1998
  • Client retention rate: 98%
  • Years on Forbes list: “Most Innovative Growth Companies”: 3
  • Years on Government Technology Magazine list: “GovTech 100”: 8

Our Employees

  • Tyler employees: 7,300+
  • Percentage of employees who have worked for the public sector: 45%
  • Number of software engineers and related roles: 2,776
  • Number of Tyler support team members: 1,486
  • Percentage of employees who have worked at Tyler for 10+ years: 27%
  • Number of Tyler offices: 56

Our Clients

  • Total clients: 44,000 installations in 13,000 locations
  • Largest local government client (by population): County of Los Angeles, Calif. (pop. 10M)
  • Smallest local government client (by population): Loving County, Texas (pop. 94)
  • Clients using Tyler’s cloud-based solutions: 11,900+
  • Number of 25 largest counties in the U.S. that are clients: 22
  • Number of 25 largest cities in the U.S. that are clients: 24
  • Jurisdiction using the most products (13 in total): Collin County, Texas

Our Innovation

  • Year Tyler developed Tyler Community: 2012
  • Tyler Community users: 99,000+
  • Year Tyler began offering cloud-based solutions: 2000