Your Background: I started as a client using the Data & Insights [powered by Socrata®] platform to track performance and community indicators. As a political appointee to a term-limited county executive, when it was time to consider moving on, I was looking for an organization where I could leverage my background, be on the cutting edge of thought leadership and technology, and still serve the public and drive positive change. I chose Tyler because I found kindred spirits, a mission I believed in, and a place I knew my talents would be valued and leveraged.
Best Thing About Working at Tyler: I love being in the room working hand-in-hand with a client to tackle tough problems and drive change. Each of our clients has their own way of looking at problems and addressing them. Therefore, discovering best practices and sharing learned ones is the best part of the collaboration process. And, knowing these discoveries can filter down to the communities and the residents our clients are servicing, it is a wonderful feeling.
Advice for a New Employee: An important competency to possess is being able to listen. Our clients know their operations, communities, mission, and challenges. Our job is to listen and help them plot a path forward, with the assistance of our solutions and methodologies.