Michigan Schools Enterprise ERP User Group Meeting

Please join us for an informative Enterprise ERP User Group Meeting! Here are some FAQs to review before you attend!

  • There is no cost to attend.
  • In the event of a canceled on-site meeting, a virtual one on the same day will be offered in its place.
  • Complimentary breakfast and lunch items will be available. Please let us know ahead of time if you have any food allergies for which we must accommodate.
  • Water will be available via refill station, we recommend bringing a water bottle to the meeting.
  • This live event will not be recorded or be available for virtual attendance.
  • Please send any additional questions to EERPStateUserGroup@tylertech.com
  • Attendance is limited, please let us know if you are unable to attend and we will cancel your registration or use the cancelation link below.
  • Need to cancel? Click here!


The same agenda, with the exception of Breakout 3C, will be covered at both meetings, but for networking purposes, we are separating schools from non-school organizations. However, you are welcome to attend the meeting that best fits your preference. Join us on October 15 for the Municipalities Meeting or on October 17 for the Schools Meeting.

8:30 - 9:00 AM: Check-in, Coffee, & Networking

9:00-9:50 AM: Morning General Session (CPE)  

  • Key Enterprise ERP Updates for your Organization

10:00-10:50 AM: Breakout 1 Sessions 

  • Breakout 1A: Budgeting 101 (CPE)
  • Breakout 1B: Getting the Most Out of Accumulator Gross Verify (CPE) 
  • Breakout 1C: System Administration Tips and Tricks (CPE)

11:00-11:50 AM: Breakout 2 Sessions 

  • Breakout 2A: Bank Reconciliation Manager Overview (CPE) 
  • Breakout 2B: Payroll Tips and Tricks for Efficient Payroll Processing (CPE)
  • Breakout 2C: System Administration and Self Upgrading with Tyler Deploy (CPE)

12:00-1:00 PM: Lunch and Networking

1:00-1:50 PM: Breakout 3 Sessions

  • Breakout 3A: Vendor Access Overview/FIN Roundtable
  • Breakout 3B: Employee Access Overview/HCM Roundtable
  • Breakout 3C: System Administration Roundtable

2:00-3:00 PM: Afternoon General Session (CPE)

  • How to Self-Serve with Customer Tools and Enterprise ERP

CPE Credit Information

Morning General Session

1 Credit
Program Level: 1-Basic
Prerequisites: None
Delivery Type: Group-Live
Advanced Preparation: None
Field Of Study: Business Management & Organization

Budgeting 101

1 Credit
Program Level: 1-Basic
Prerequisites: None
Delivery Type: Group-Live
Advanced Preparation: None
Field Of Study: Finance

Getting the Most Out of Accumulator Gross Verify

1 Credit
Program Level: 1-Basic
Prerequisites: None
Delivery Type: Group-Live
Advanced Preparation: None
Field Of Study: Personnel/HR

System Administration Tips and Tricks

1 Credit
Program Level: 1-Basic
Prerequisites: None
Delivery Type: Group-Live
Advanced Preparation: None
Field Of Study: Business Management & Organization

Bank Reconciliation Manager Overview

1 Credit
Program Level: 1-Basic
Prerequisites: None
Delivery Type: Group-Live
Advanced Preparation: None
Field Of Study: Finance

Payroll Tips and Tricks for Efficient Payroll Processing

1 Credit
Program Level: 1-Basic
Prerequisites: None
Delivery Type: Group-Live
Advanced Preparation: None
Field Of Study: Personnel/HR

System Administration and Self Upgrading with Tyler Deploy

1 Credit
Program Level: 1-Basic
Prerequisites: None
Delivery Type: Group-Live
Advanced Preparation: None
Field Of Study: Business Management & Organization

How to Self-Serve with Customer Tools and Enterprise ERP

1 Credit
Program Level: 1-Basic
Prerequisites: None
Delivery Type: Group-Live
Advanced Preparation: None
Field Of Study: Business Management & Organization

NASBA CPE Disclaimer

Attendees are eligible to earn 1 CPE credit for attending each eligible Breakout Session attended, for a total of 4 possible CPE credits for the entire User Group Meeting. Please note attendance will be verified for CPE credit. Live attendance for at least 50 minutes per CPE-eligible session is required.

Tyler Technologies, Inc. is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be addressed to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: www.learningmarket.org. One CPE = 50 minutes of instruction

Complaint Resolution Policy

For more information regarding administrative policies, such as complaints and cancellations, Please contact: Enterprise ERP State User Group Information EERPStateUserGroup@tylertech.com

Additional Information

Session Descriptions:

Key Enterprise ERP Updates for your Organization: This opening session is designed to keep you up to date on the future of Enterprise ERP regarding versioning and technological changes. Following these updates, we will review exciting functionality in Financials, Payroll and Accounts Receivable to segue into the initial breakout sessions.

Budgeting 101: Budgeting 101 will focus on the core steps involved in the budgeting process, including the creation of budget projections in Define/Start Budget Projection, budget entry and editing in Central Budget Entry, and rolling the budget with Roll/Factor/Merge Projection.

Getting the Most Out of Accumulator Gross Verify: In this session, we will discuss how the Accumulator Gross verify calculates and compares old gross amounts, new gross amounts, and how to reconcile both these gross amounts and the totals from quarterly and yearly reports.

System Administration Tips and Tricks: This session will demonstrate Enterprise ERP System Architecture, Logging, Tools, Tyler HUB, and a Tyler Identity overview.

Bank Reconciliation Manager Overview: Our focus in this session will reviewing the functionality offered by the Bank Reconciliation Manager and how it differs from the “classic” approach to Bank Reconciliation in Enterprise ERP. Bank Reconciliation Manager is an optional program for clients.

Payroll Tips and Tricks for Efficient Payroll Processing : When it comes to Enterprise ERP, there is always more to learn! This session focuses on highlighting less known or underutilized functionality that drives significant value for you as a user of Enterprise ERP Payroll. Exact topics covered often change for this session, but some examples of what you can expect to hear about are Global functions within Payroll Earnings and Deductions, Proof options beyond the basic Error or Detail/Final Proofs, inquiry programs including Payroll Audit Inquiry and Global Audit Inquiry, and more.

System Administration and Self Upgrading with Tyler Deploy: This session will demonstrate the upgrade process for Enterprise ERP using Tyler Deploy and will identify additional resources that are available to assist clients with the process.

Vendor Access Overview/FIN Roundtable: Following a brief overview of Vendor Access, this session is devoted to open discussion amongst attendees regarding Financial topics. While typically not ideal for troubleshooting ongoing issues, this is a great opportunity to inquire about approaches others take to various challenges with reporting needs or completing processes within Enterprise ERP. For the most fruitful discussion, come prepared with one or two topics you would like to learn more about or discuss.

Employee Access Overview/HCM Roundtable: Following a brief overview of Employee Access, this session is devoted to open discussion amongst attendees regarding Payroll or Human Resources topics. While typically not ideal for troubleshooting ongoing issues, this is a great opportunity to inquire about approaches others take to various challenges with reporting needs or completing processes within Enterprise ERP. For the most fruitful discussion, come prepared with one or two topics you would like to learn more about or discuss!

System Administration Roundtable: This session is devoted to open discussion amongst attendees regarding System Administration topics. While typically not ideal for troubleshooting ongoing issues, this is a great opportunity to inquire about approaches others take to various challenges with reporting needs or completing processes within Enterprise ERP. For the most fruitful discussion, come prepared with one or two topics you would like to learn more about or discuss.

How to Self-Serve with Customer Tools and Enterprise ERP: Are you a regular on Tyler Community? Is Tyler Search in your bookmarks? Did you know our team offers free Enterprise ERP 101 webinars on a regular basis? Our focus in this session is ensuring you are up to date on all the latest resources available to assist you as a user of Enterprise ERP. Resources are constantly being updated and improved, so while you may be familiar with many, there may be some you do not know about!