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Modernize Your Data Management Platform

Tyler's Data Platform is a secure API platform that enables government CDOs, CIOs, and technical leaders to rapidly modernize their organization’s data infrastructure. It powers a repeatable process by which public servants can take data from a number of source systems, automate its flow to the cloud, organize it in a uniform way, then turn it into an always-on service for data reuse downstream. This data automation saves governments time and money so they can better allocate resources to serve their communities.

This data platform is the technology layer that powers all of Tyler’s unique solutions for government officials.

  • FedRAMP Moderate accredited

  • SODA query services API

  • Native support for OData

  • Discovery API

  • Metadata management

  • Notifications, subscriptions, and activity

  • Approvals and workflow

  • Users and permissions

Highest Security Standards

Have confidence in our security standards. The entire Data Platform is FedRAMP Moderate accredited.

  • Only platform in its class to provide one of the highest security standards for unclassified data and information security
  • Minimal burden on IT with cloud-level economies of scale
  • Additional Transport Level Security (TLS) for communication privacy between applications and servers

Strategic, On-Demand Data Asset

Transform your data into a strategic, on-demand asset. Save 40 to 60% of web and mobile application development costs by using cloud data APIs and ready-to-use app templates and mobile and web Software Development Kits (SDKs)

  • Publisher API is an authenticated RESTful interface to the Enterprise Data Platform data management services and allows users to keep their datasets up-to-date and authoritative
  • Several SDKs integrate seamlessly with application code including DataSync SDK Java library, Ruby, PHP, and .NET
  • Upsert API makes bulk updating of datasets fast and only moves the minimal amount of data required

Connect Stakeholders to Relevant Data

The Open Data API automatically provides an intuitive user query interface for every dataset on the platform.

  • Automatic classification and annotation of data enhances discovery
  • Complex queries supported, including geospatial queries, statistical functions, and temporal analysis, even with very large datasets
  • A single SoQL query ensures the most up-to-date information as data continually changes

Transform Information into Actionable Insights

Our Data Platform simplifies analysis and reduces time-to-insight from years to months or weeks.

  • Utilize SODA/SoQL and integrate your system with Tableau, Excel/Office 365, PowerBI, SAP, and Salesforce
  • Users can locate and consume the data they need and administrators can ensure the correct data is surfaced to the appropriate authorized users
  • The metadata API allows for all create, read, update, delete (CRUD) operations that users expect

Notify Users of Relevant Activity

Administrators and consumers are notified when data they're working with is updated.

  • Notifications and subscriptions at various levels to alert users to relevant activity
  • An auditable record of dataset activity and user activity gives administrators visibility into platform usage, allowing them to further optimize how services are supported
  • Promote consolidation and reuse of data with a single version of the truth that is always up to date

Control Access to Data Across Your Organization

A multistep gated workflow allows administrators to require approval before assets can be shared.

  • Supports configurable user roles for maximum flexibility that maps to the specifics of any organizational structure
  • Assets submitted for approval set notifications and approval process in motion, resulting in the highest quality approved and shared access
  • Platform's single sign-on (SSO) capabilities integrate with dozens of identity providers

Want more information?

Download the Application Suite Overview Brochure.

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Painting the vision of fully connected communities.

At Tyler, we imagine a world where all city, county, and regional government services are connected within a healthy digital infrastructure. Connecting data, processes, and people makes communities safer, smarter, and more responsive to the needs of residents.

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