AI Delivers Savings and Staff Satisfaction

September 09, 2024 by Michelle Lewis

AI Delivers Savings and Staff Satisfaction

For government agencies, the challenges of document backlogs are compounded by work shortages and growing public demand for fast service. Forward-thinking agency leaders implementing software solutions driven by artificial intelligence (AI) are not only meeting these challenges but improving day-to-day operations.

Today’s agencies are feeling the strain of an escalating volume of data. Time-consuming, repetitive tasks associated with document review place a drain on operations at a time when stretched budgets require them to do more with less. Resulting inaccuracies and staff burnout lead to additional workloads, further impacting productivity. These strains are compounded by staffing gaps left by retiring employees. To attract new job seekers and meet the demands of public service, agencies face a pressing need for digital modernization.

Automating Workflows With AI Technology

AI-driven technology is revolutionizing government tasks by automating the time-consuming process of document classification and data extraction. By reducing manual activities in repetitive workflow processes, documents are filed with higher accuracy and at greater speed. The result is cost savings, staff satisfaction, and improved service to the public. Government agencies that have integrated AI-driven solutions are now meeting current demands while making sustained improvements in workflows. “It’s more than keeping things the way they are,” said Henry Sal, senior director of AI Automations at Tyler Technologies in a recent webinar hosted by the National Association of Counties, “[AI] is going to improve [workflows] dramatically.”

Realizing Success at the Forefront of AI

For early adopters like Tarrant County, Texas, integrating Tyler Technologies’ AI automation tools reduced a post-pandemic document backlog. It also improved the accuracy of data entry, cut its e-filing workflow intake period, and reduced time from submission to availability on a case management system from days to minutes. In addition, it allowed for 24/7 document processing, a clear-cut benefit to the public.

Palm Beach County, Florida, has been on the frontlines of AI technology since 2017. Facing cuts, Director of Information Technology, County Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller Parik Chokshi initiated the implementation for budgetary reasons. By streamlining workflows with AI, Palm Beach County experienced $1.9 million in meaningful annual data entry savings in 2023. As a result, Palm Beach was able to reallocate 45 data entry staff to other projects.

A “Software Delivery Mechanism” for Happiness

Contrary to the belief that AI will replace jobs, automation has made existing public sector jobs better. Sal considers AI to be a “software delivery mechanism for staff happiness,” pointing out the evident shift in staff satisfaction. By reducing the work of mundane tasks, staff can devote time to higher-level and client-facing work. And as agencies seek to alleviate job shortages, it provides the promise of more fulfilling employment to a new generation of job seekers.

“[It gives] time back to staff members,” said Tarrant County Clerk Mary Louise Nicholson. By liberating staff members from menial tasks like data entry, Nicholson was able to provide her team with the modified work schedules they wanted, increasing staff morale. For Chokshi, the benefits for Palm Beach Country have extended far beyond budgetary. “Our staff satisfaction has gone up drastically,” he said. “We’re more customer focused. We’re providing a great customer experience when they walk in. It’s been a huge game changer for us.”

Future-Proofing With AI Technology

Government agencies can effectively future-proof their operations by investing in AI-driven solutions. Repetitive workflows nearly free of manual activities are an achievable goal for agencies where automation percentages move increasingly upward. Agencies including Tarrant County and Palm Beach County anticipate adding a large language model to their AI solutions to further increase efficiencies. Adopters will be poised to take advantage of accelerating advancements in algorithms, software, and infrastructure as well.

Automated document processing is quickly becoming a new industry standard. When government agencies use AI to free staff from mundane work, service outcomes improve and return on investment grows.

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