Cloud-Powered Policing: Jersey Village’s Journey

May 07, 2024 by Kate Nadolski

Cloud-Powered Policing: Jersey Village’s Journey

From navigating complex technology systems to ensuring top-rate data security and compliance, the demands of law enforcement agencies continue to grow. With a new era of efficiency and effectiveness ushered in through cloud technology, agencies like the Jersey Village Police Department in Texas are revolutionizing operations and processes by taking advantage of cloud-hosted solutions.

Prior to implementing Tyler Technologies’ cloud-hosted public safety solutions, Jersey Village experienced various operational hurdles with outdated software. Slow response times hampered the agency’s ability to react quickly to emergencies, while the integration of different software solutions posed a significant challenge, leading to inefficiencies and frustrations among first responders.

In addition, managing software updates and ensuring data security and compliance were constant concerns looming over their operations.

Lieutenant Heath Hawley with Jersey Village Police Department said the agency needed transformative change and made the strategic decision to implement Tyler’s Enterprise Public Safety solution.

We needed a way to really modernize our processes and enhance our police operations.

Heath Hawley

Lieutenant, Jersey Village

“We needed a way to really modernize our processes and enhance our police operations,” Hawley said.

By leveraging the power of cloud computing, Jersey Village has streamlined its workflow and experienced many benefits — one of which is enhanced accessibility.

First responders and support staff can securely access mission-critical information from virtually anywhere. This allows for better decision-making on the go, prompting faster response times.

"Our dispatchers can enter the data into the system faster. The way the software works, the flow of the software makes things so much easier — they are just done automatically,” Hawley said.

With security at the forefront of many minds within the public sector, the agency can rely on its data to be secure and always safeguarded.

With no on-premises hardware or files, everything the agency needs is stored digitally, and out of harm’s way in an instance of natural disaster, such as a fire or flood.

This also ensures the availability of mission-critical data in unforeseen circumstances, often when it is needed most.

The burden of server security and maintenance is no longer on IT’s plate. It has freed up valuable time, allowing IT personnel to focus on strategic initiatives such as automation and optimization.

Staying up to date is a problem of the past for Jersey Village, as their cloud-based solutions are seamlessly updated, minimizing disruptions and improving overall system performance.

“It’s so important for security. Updates exist for a reason, and you must be able to stay at the forefront of those things so you don’t end up playing catch up,” Hawley said.

By migrating and operating in the cloud, Jersey Village is shifting toward modernized policing, meaning more efficiency, security, and adaptability. After enabling faster response times, improving decision-making capabilities, relieving the burden on IT staff, and having the proper resources to navigate through potential disasters, Jersey Village is continuing its journey in the cloud with more confidence to keep the community safe.

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