Getting Started With Medicaid Reporting

March 11, 2022 by Emily Sullivan

Getting Started With Medicaid Reporting

Transportation directors are notably tuned in to the unique needs of the students riding their buses — and while they may be well aware of available resources and funding for these students, they often may lack the bandwidth to add more reporting to their plates. Applying for Medicaid reimbursement can feel overwhelming, and it can be difficult to know where to begin. With the right tools to track and organize student data, getting the funding your students are entitled to is easier than you think.

More Dollars for Students in Your School

Medicaid reimbursements apply to both classroom and transportation costs, and the funds are received directly by your district. Application for these funds is often handled by districts’ special education administrators since eligibility is centered on students' individualized education program (IEPs). To qualify, your students must be enrolled in a Medicaid program and receive transportation services through your district that meet any required special needs. If you’re not being asked to provide information about your Medicaid-eligible students, it’s possible your district is submitting reports without transportation data included — and that’s money left on the table.

Tracking the Right Data is Key

Once you’ve established which students are Medicaid-eligible, you’ll need to collect, store, and track accurate and detailed ridership data. Your transportation staff and the tools within your Tyler software are your best resources for the necessary information. You can utilize custom fields and custom reporting functionality in Student Transportation, powered by Traversa, to help you with the reporting requirements. Depending on your state, you may need to report which days students rode, where and what time they were picked up and dropped off, which aide rode with them, and signatures from the driver, aide, or both to validate that data. You can leverage student ridership technology, like Tyler Drive, to automate the collection and storage of this data. This will also help ensure it’s consistent, accurate, and ready to be included in your Medicaid reimbursement report.

Start the Conversation

Collaboration with your staff and your district’s reimbursement lead is crucial, so getting their buy-in is your first step. Establish the importance of this funding opportunity with your staff, including the vital role they play, and empower them with the tools they need to provide the necessary data. The reimbursement lead at your district —likely the special needs director — will be your best source of information on reporting requirements and is often the person responsible for submitting information to your state. With their help, your transportation operation — and the students you serve — will be ready to benefit from Medicaid reimbursements now and in the years to come.

Many resources are available to learn more about Medicaid reimbursement for school-based services, including:

If your state does not have a reimbursement program, contact your state’s Medicaid agency to learn more about possible programs and ways to get involved.

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