What's Happening at Connect?

April 08, 2019 by Meredith Trimble

What's Happening at Connect?

Connect 2019 is underway! This morning we welcomed more than 6,000 local government innovators to Dallas to fuel Connected Communities through learning and networking. Inspiration is around every corner, from more than 1,000 classes to our most exciting keynote event yet. This is the largest user conference in Tyler Technologies’ history and includes attendees from all 50 states, three Canadian provinces, and international attendees from Guam, Spain, and the Netherlands. From small towns with populations in the hundreds to cities topping 10 million residents, Connect 2019 includes 1500 unique cities, counties, states, courts, districts, and agencies.

Tyler’s President and CEO, Lynn Moore, set the stage for what’s to come during the high-energy opening session. He set forth a vision of safer and stronger communities, made possible when departments and agencies are connected and data is shared. Moore asked attendees to “imagine how your work can be more effective and more connected to the departments, agencies, and jurisdictions around you.” With data as the fuel for Connected Communities, Moore challenged attendees to “think big” and join Tyler in creating a healthy, vibrant, safe, and sustainable society.

Tyler Technologies President and CEO, Lynn Moore

Bruce Graham, chief strategy officer, celebrated the impact of local governments, noting, “We see your successes and celebrate the important work being done across hundreds of communities.” He delved deeper into the Connected Communities framework, explaining that delivering on the promise involves Tyler and our clients working together to break down silos. Tyler’s solutions help solve the challenges of local government and facilitate the vision in these key areas of government work:

  • Operations. Providing “tool belts” of efficient, specialized, and mobile solutions.
  • Data. Surfacing relevant data for performance, insight, and decision making.
  • Partners. Connected Communities suites work together out of the box for aligned process communities.
  • Public. Engagement that allows residents to become part of the process.

One of the session’s highlights that spoke to public engagement was the introduction of MyCivic. This newly acquired solution will provide our public sector clients with a centralized, customizable mobile platform that serves as the center of their community engagement via a downloadable app.

Over the next few days, we’ll all be working to harness data through modern technology to connect across boundaries, automate processes, streamline operations, and lower costs. We look forward to exciting moments of transformation, engagement, and enablement, with a healthy dose of fun along the way!

Follow the event in real time and join the conversation at #TylerConnect.

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