DeKalb County’s Shift to SaaS: Enhancing Service, Security

  • Location: DeKalb County, Georgia
  • Population: 764,382
  • Featured Organization: Department of Innovation and Technology


Nestled within Georgia’s lush landscapes, DeKalb County has emerged as the state’s fourth-most populous county. The Department of Innovation and Technology has played a crucial role in addressing the needs of this expanding population by continually adapting its services and operations. A significant part of their strategic initiative has been transitioning to a software-as-a-service (SaaS) model to boost the efficiency and security of county operations.

Governments across the nation are adopting cloud-based SaaS to meet growing demands, boost efficiency, cut costs, and lighten the load on IT staff, all while refining public service delivery. DeKalb County understood, however, the true measure of success would come from seamlessly integrating these new technologies into its existing framework without disrupting the essential services residents rely on. This community-first approach to tech adoption earned the county a 2024 Tyler Excellence Award in Performance & Innovation.

The Challenge

The challenge was multifaceted: to streamline and deliver uninterrupted services to the public amidst escalating cyber threats and increasing operational demands. “Our primary goal, as is the case with all IT departments, is the support of operations, whether it be courts, jails, or other agencies delivering services to the public,” said Cynthia Moran, IT manager for DeKalb County. “Our citizens expect services to be delivered efficiently, with fewer resources, and most importantly, without interruption despite the increasing threats from forces outside of our control.”

In 2014, the county implemented a comprehensive integrated justice information system, but as the user base and system complexity expanded, so did the demands on staff and infrastructure. To augment its infrastructure over the years, the department added multiple servers, encompassing a multitude of functionalities including application hosting, job processing, portal management, and integration support.

Despite employing load balancing mechanisms, the expansive environment became increasingly unstable, and the strain on a nearly decade-old infrastructure became unmanageable. Moran further explained, “As our system grew, so did the complexities of managing it. To be successful, we knew we would either need to invest heavily in our infrastructure and continue to do so for the foreseeable future, or transition to SaaS.”


DeKalb County shifted from its traditional on-premises infrastructure to a modernized, cloud-based SaaS model. This migration was facilitated through a partnership with Tyler Technologies, using Enterprise Justice suite applications and Amazon Web Services (AWS), for reliable cloud-hosted applications.

“We knew it would be vital for everything to be under one roof, one umbrella,” said Diamond Crutcher, systems analyst, emphasizing the goal to centralize the county's operations. “So, partnering with a company that's able to provide all of our judicial applications was extremely important, especially when it comes to maintenance and upgrades”

Choosing the right technology partners was a key part of the implementation strategy. Karen Foreman, software analyst, described the selection process criteria, “A successful partnership should be mutually beneficial and encompass a shared vision, collaboration, sustainability and ethical practices — creating a positive outcome for the residents as well as advancing DeKalb County's goals. The technology should help meet those goals.”

The migration strategy was predominantly a “lift and shift” approach, moving applications to the cloud without undertaking significant upgrades. This aimed to reduce reliance on physical hardware and associated maintenance, redirecting resources toward addressing other vital challenges and enhancing the security of data and infrastructure.

With numerous departments, including courts and jails, reliant on these applications, collaboration was paramount. “Bringing everyone together and ensuring we had a clear method of communication was essential,” noted Moran, reflecting on the importance of involving all stakeholders and providing clear protocols during the migration.


The transition to a cloud-based model has had many benefits for the county, enhancing operations to increase data security. Moran stated, “This strategic shift strengthened our commitment to safeguarding county data and infrastructure against security threats that could compromise the confidential information of our residents and businesses and cost the county millions of dollars.” Enhanced security measures are crucial in protecting against breaches that can have severe financial implications and erode public trust.

Additionally, the move to a SaaS model significantly improved day-to-day operations. “This strategic shift not only enhanced operational efficiency but alleviated the strain on both hardware and human resources.” Moran added, “We have freed up valuable resources, enabling us to redirect our focus toward resolving business process challenges.”

The Future

Reflecting on the transformative theme “Transforming for Tomorrow” of Tyler's 2024 Connect conference, Foreman describes the county’s forward momentum, “Transforming the future is exactly the direction that DeKalb County is moving in,” noting that embracing advancements is not only a step for today but essential for continuous improvement.

The decision to adopt a SaaS model was not only an answer to a growing need but a testament to DeKalb County’s commitment to the community it serves and bettering judicial outcomes. “By transitioning to a SaaS model, we've not only mitigated the strain on our workforce and infrastructure but have also paved the way for enhanced operational efficiency. Our transition to SaaS signifies a pivotal milestone in our pursuit of technological excellence, and our commitment to provide high quality, responsive, and secure services,” said Moran.


It is abundantly clear: DeKalb County’s journey is not only a testament to their resilience and vision but a blueprint for judicial systems nationwide in pursuit of efficient and secure public service delivery. Reflecting on the outcomes Moran noted, “Our counterparts across the country facing the same challenges stand to gain similar benefits from the adoption of SaaS solutions.”

Case Study Highlights

  • Transitioned from traditional on-premises infrastructure to a modernized, cloud-based SaaS model
  • Enhanced data security, operational efficiency, and freed up valuable resources
  • 2024 Tyler Excellence Award winner for Performance & Innovation

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