Lorain County Leads With Tech Integration

Organization Profile

  • Population: 540,428
  • Tyler Client Since: 2018
  • Tyler Products Used: Enterprise Public Safety, Enforcement Mobile, Enterprise Corrections

Client Profile: Lorain County, located in northern Ohio, is a diverse and vibrant community comprising urban, suburban, and rural areas. Known for its robust economic activities, the county hosts a mix of manufacturing, agriculture, and service industries. Lorain County 911 serves as the critical communication hub for emergency response across 48 agencies, including 23 fire departments and 14 law enforcement agencies. The agencies cover the county that spans approximately 923 square miles, consisting of half land and half water.


Lorain County 911 was facing challenges operating with its emergency response technology. The county and agencies within were relying on varying solutions, leading to high costs, inefficiencies in operations, and roadblocks with data sharing. Service vehicles and rigs used by law enforcement and fire utilized mobile data terminals (MDTs) that proved to be costly and unreliable. The lack of a cohesive system resulted in delayed response times and operational inefficiencies.


To address these issues and take a step towards streamlined processes and modernization, Lorain County implemented Tyler Technologies’ Enterprise Public Safety solution, Enforcement Mobile solution, and most notably in this instance — Tyler’s Fire & EMS suite.

One simple switch — having addresses, times, numbers, and call information from the dispatchers automatically flow into the reporting system — saved hours of data input every day just for my agency, so it’s exponential throughout the county.

Jeremy Betsa, Fire Chief

Avon Lake Fire Department, Ohio


Improvements came in various forms for Lorain County — benefits such as:

Cost Savings and Operational Efficiency

By replacing MDTs with iPads, Lorain County reduced the cost per unit from $7,500-$10,000 to approximately $1,000, saving about $5,000-$6,000 per apparatus. This switch not only reduced costs but also allowed volunteer departments to fully participate in the system due to the lowered costs. In addition, the agencies no longer had to drill physical holes in the interior of the unit for the MDT installation, helping to preserve the condition of the service vehicle.

Improved Communication and Data Sharing

The integration of Tyler's Fire Prevention Mobile within the Fire & EMS suite, as well as mobility tools improved operational efficiency and strategic planning. Real-time tracking capabilities allowed dispatchers to facilitate the rapid deployment of the most appropriate resources for the emergency, leading to reduced response times and better outcomes for the community.

Reliable Performance During Critical Events

During a massive storm, the newly implemented technologies ensured continuous communication and stable technology for critical operations. Despite the system going down as a result of the storm, the Elyria Fire Department maintained communication and performed successful water rescues, demonstrating the system's resilience and reliability.

Streamlined Processes and Time Savings

The automation of data entry significantly reduced the manual input required by fire crews within Lorain County, saving valuable time. The seamless integration of dispatch information into the reporting system allowed agencies to focus more on their core duties, enhancing overall operational efficiency. This also improved the speed in which data entry occurred and reduced errors in the data collected.

Through updating its technology and consolidating systems for the many agencies that fall within the county, Lorain County 911 experienced substantial cost savings, improved communication, and enhanced data sharing. The successful performance during critical events and streamlined processes underscores the importance of a unified, reliable technology solution in optimizing emergency response. These advancements have enabled Lorain County to provide better, faster, and more efficient services to its community.

Case Study Highlights

  • Saved upwards of $6K per service vehicle
  • Real-time tracking capabilities led to more strategic responses
  • Life-saving water rescues conducted during critical events 

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