Safer Streets and Swift Responses With Cloud Tech

Organization Profile

  • Population: 255,205
  • Tyler Client Since: 2022
  • Tyler Product: Enterprise Public Safety


Laredo, Texas, is a vibrant city located on the north bank of the Rio Grande, directly across from Nuevo Laredo, Mexico. It is one of the oldest border crossing points, with a rich history rooted in its establishment in 1755. Laredo is known for its significant role in international trade, being home to one of the busiest inland ports in the United States. The Laredo Police Department was established in 1881 and has 495 sworn officers covering approximately 102 square miles.


The Laredo Police Department in Texas was facing many critical challenges when working with an on-premise solution that was nearing the end of its life. This outdated solution was making it increasingly difficult to maintain operations effectively and was not able to track and analyze data efficiently. Additionally, the agency’s IT staff was minimal, limiting the department’s efficiency and security.


To address these challenges and fulfill the urgent need for a more sustainable and secure solution, the Laredo PD implemented Tyler Technologies’ cloud-hosted Enterprise Public Safety and Enforcement Mobile solutions.


The transition process to the cloud was straightforward. The department backed up existing data and uploaded it to the cloud with guidance from Tyler staff. According to officials with Laredo PD, this migration resembled switching from one email system to another, highlighting the simplicity and ease of the transition.

The implementation of the cloud-based solutions proved to have substantial benefits for Laredo PD, which included:

Improved Workflow and Efficiency

The department utilized Performance Dashboard to streamline workflows, particularly in data analytics and investigations. This tool allowed for the creation of customizable tiles to handle data more efficiently, significantly reducing the time required for generating weekly reports, from five days to two, saving three days per week. This efficiency gain allowed analysts to focus on other critical tasks, enhancing overall productivity.

Enhanced Proactive Policing

By utilizing heat maps within Enterprise Public Safety’s analytics offerings, the department was able to successfully address a rise in firearm-related incidents in a specific area by deploying targeted patrol and task forces to the hotspot. This approach resulted in a 19% reduction in firearm related incidents within one month.

Traffic Safety Improvements

By pinpointing areas with high accident rates, the department increased patrols and collaborated with the city to reconfigure lanes and install barriers. These measures led to a 19.7% reduction in traffic accidents in the targeted areas.

Security and Compliance

The cloud-hosted solution provided a more secure environment, mitigating cybersecurity risks associated with on-premises systems. It also ensured compliance with Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) standards through timely updates.

Operational Reliability

Officers in the field benefit from reliable technology, which provides immediate access to crucial information about individuals and vehicles. This capability was essential for quick and informed decision-making, improving both officer safety and operational effectiveness.

The Laredo PD’s transition to a cloud-based solution addressed critical challenges related to outdated equipment and limited functionality. The department has achieved significant improvements in workflow efficiency, public safety, and traffic management. The new system also enhanced security and compliance while ensuring operational reliability for officers in the field.

After consulting with our analyst, we learned that our overall workflow through records went from five days to only two days to conduct a thorough analysis. That’s three whole work days of time that is saved for each investigation. With more time, the agency can focus on more research and try to visualize incoming issues ahead of us, allowing us to practice proactive policing.

Stephen Garza

Officer, Laredo Police Department, Texas

Case Study Highlights

  • Reduced firearm-related incidents by 19%
  • Reduced report-generation time from five days to two days
  • Reduced traffic incidents in targeted area by 19.7%

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