Summit County Transforms Emergency Response

Organization Profile

  • Population: 540,428
  • Tyler Client Since: 2018
  • Tyler Products Used: Enterprise Public Safety, Enforcement Mobile, Enterprise Corrections

Client Profile: Summit County, Ohio, located in the northeastern part of the state, is known for its diverse communities, vibrant economy, and rich cultural heritage. Home to the city of Akron, Summit County blends urban amenities with scenic natural landscapes, including parts of the Cuyahoga Valley National Park. The Summit Emergency Communications Center has a team of more than 100 dispatchers within three dispatch centers to provide services for 16 police departments and 14 fire departments. All these entities serve approximately 419 square miles that is composed of 31 cities, towns, and villages.


Summit County, Ohio, faced challenges with streamlining dispatching and their emergency response approach due to multiple dispatch centers and agencies using varying computer-aided dispatch (CAD) systems, which resulted in frequent communication breakdowns. The varying solutions being used hindered the efficient sharing of critical information during joint operations, leading to slower response times and operational inefficiencies. The lack of using one standardized system posed a barrier to effective emergency response coordination and data sharing among agencies within Summit County.


To address these challenges, Summit County embarked on a comprehensive initiative to consolidate its public safety operations by implementing Tyler Technologies’ Enterprise Public Safety solutions. This initiative aimed to standardize CAD and RMS systems across agencies, facilitating seamless information sharing and improving communication channels. The implementation integrated diverse public safety agencies onto a single platform.

About 70% of the county has been consolidated. These bigger agencies have been able to move off their dying platforms and transition into integrated technology that works the same for everyone involved in the consortium.

Mike Banks

CAD System Administrator, Summit County Emergency Communications Center, Ohio


Following the implementation of Enterprise Public Safety solutions, the Summit County CAD Consolidated Consortium was coined — a cohesive name to represent the dispatch centers and agencies that were a part of this initiative within Summit County. Approximately 70% of the county consolidated and is now operating on one solution. The Summit County CAD Consolidated Consortium has experienced many benefits such as:

Improved Response Times

By consolidating dispatch centers and standardizing CAD systems across Summit County's public safety agencies, response times to emergency calls have been improved. Previously, delays occurred due to the manual transfer of information between the varying systems. Now, emergency telecommunicators can swiftly dispatch responders without the need for interagency communication gaps, ensuring quicker response times during an emergency response.

Improved Situational Awareness

Using Enterprise Fire Field Mobile and Enterprise Law Enforcement Mobile within the Enterprise Public Safety suite, the Summit County Consolidated Consortium have allowed officers in the field to access real-time data on their mobile devices anytime, anywhere. This capability allows responders to receive immediate updates on incidents and access critical information from neighboring agencies. Improved situational awareness enables responders to make informed decisions swiftly, enhancing the effectiveness and safety of their operations.

Streamlined Compliance With State Mandates

Implementation of mobile forms integrated with case reports has streamlined compliance with state mandates such as Marsy's Law. These digital forms ensure accurate capture and reporting of mandated information, reducing paperwork errors and administrative burdens on law enforcement personnel. Compliance processes are now more efficient, allowing agencies to focus more resources on core public safety duties.

Improved Communication Between Agencies

Within a unified CAD solution, Summit County agencies can share information seamlessly and coordinate responses to incidents that span multiple jurisdictions. This collaboration has minimized misunderstandings during joint operations and facilitated more effective responses. Agencies now operate cohesively, leveraging shared data to respond more effectively to complex emergencies.

The consolidation of Summit County's public safety operations has significantly enhanced emergency response efficiency and interagency communication. The creation of the Summit County CAD Consolidated Consortium has led to faster response times, improved situational awareness, streamlined compliance with state mandates, and better communication between agencies. By standardizing its CAD system, Summit County has effectively addressed previous challenges, ensuring that public safety personnel can operate more cohesively and efficiently.

Case Study Highlights

  • Consolidated 70% of the county on the same CAD and RMS system
  • Improved real-time data access for enhanced situational awareness
  • Streamlined compliance with state mandates using digital forms

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