Complete Supervision Solution for Adult and Juvenile Probation, Including Pretrial Services

Coordinate, communicate, record, and track each step of your probation process, along with pretrial services, with Tyler's Enterprise Supervision our web-based SaaS solution. Intuitive features streamline client management while multiple layers of security provide system protection at the data center, application, and user levels.

Our solution is CJIS compliant and meets Amazon GovCloud requirements, so you’ll enjoy strong data integrity and security from the moment Enterprise Supervision is implemented. You’ll also experience secure integration with other Tyler products so you can access and share data to expedite the supervision process, and see all critical case information from dispatch through disposition in one place.

  • Monitor cases, financials, and generate reports

  • Track client movements

  • Automate client check-ins

  • Reduce missed client events

  • Track and manage detainee custody

  • Complete room checks and update information instantly

Utilize Comprehensive Probation Case Management

Get full case monitoring and reporting capabilities for adult and juvenile probation, parole, pretrial, and diversion in one case management system. You can generate case documents, track financials, and complete any existing assessments right in Enterprise Supervision. You can also manage drug tests by assigning clients to groups and scheduling groups for random testing.

Track Clients Using Electronic Device Monitoring

Our active electronic device monitoring system combines intuitive software, dependable hardware, and comprehensive support services. Device tracking is integrated into our case management system, so you can quickly create policies and zones to monitor devices. False alerts are virtually eliminated thanks to ultra-reliable electronic monitoring devices that are tamper sensitive, triggering alerts to case officers when signal jams/shields or travel outside predetermined zones occurs.

Provide Easy Online Client/Officer Interaction

The Enterprise Supervision Access online portal gives clients the ability to connect and communicate with officers from their computer or smartphone 24/7 to stay on top of their supervision obligations. Enterprise Supervision Access provides clients with key information they need to manage their case and lets them make payments — through Payments — to cover any outstanding fees or fines. This portal also handles most clients’ common requests and provides quick answers to frequently asked questions, saving valuable time for your officers so they can focus on more complex client work.

Complete Client Check-Ins Quickly With Automated System

Using the latest interactive phone technologies, your clients can easily check-in with you and your staff. Clients are verified using voice-print, biometric technology that is 99%t accurate, and they complete interviews you’ve created to capture the information needed for their case file. The system automatically sends text and email check-in reminders. Plus, automatically generate reports, letters, and forms. Integrate with Enterprise Supervision or use as a standalone system.

Increase Appearance Rates Via Automatic Appointment Reminders

The Appointment Reminder system contacts offenders the day before an appointment or hearing, making them more likely to appear and helping you recapture countless hours of lost time from missed events. You can set reminder categories for your department and send those to the offender or all involved parties. Each reminder call can be recorded and played back as needed.

Track and Manage Detainee Custody

Scalable and flexible Institution Management makes tracking, recording, moving, and reporting seamless. Systems are customized to the facility and records room assignments, approved visitors and visits, risks and medical alerts, incidents, and more. Room movements are time stamped, tracked, and logged, room checks are assigned, and incident reports can be created in the system. Shift notes are stored and locked to ensure long-term accessibility by supervisors.

Room Check

Record when room occupancy is verified and establish custom time intervals to ensure room checks are done on schedule. A durable touchscreen scanner helps you complete room checks quickly, with data synching in real time so there’s no extra paperwork or computer work needed. Everything can be monitored from any computer or tablet with an internet connection and you can run extensive reporting for each room, unit, and facility that includes date/time, staff information, and room logs.

Want more information?

Download the Enterprise Supervision brochure to learn more.

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Integrated, Secure Justice Systems

From dispatch operators, police on patrol, fire departments, and emergency services to court clerks, trial judges, prosecutors, corrections staff, and probation officers, seamless integration between products enhances decision making, increases safety, automates processes, saves time, and reduces errors.

Explore Courts & Public Safety Solutions

Creating safer communities and a more just society.

From dispatch to disposition, Tyler Alliance connects data and processes between public safety and criminal justice departments, agencies, and jurisdictions. By breaking through the silos, Tyler Alliance is improving safety, responsiveness, efficiency, and the administration of and access to justice.

More About Tyler Alliance