Connected School Transportation Tools To Empower Any District

School bus routing will always be at the core of your transportation operation, but your job today involves so much more. From fleet maintenance to activity trips, from vehicle tracking to parent communication, you do it all.

Historically, each of these functions have existed in various programs and systems, making it difficult to see a complete picture of your school transportation operations and slowing down your workflows. Tyler's Student Transportation is more than just school bus routing software. While big and small districts can choose the applications that best suit the needs of their operations, each tool works together. This connects all your school transportation functions into one system to increase ease of use, efficiency, and to help you do more for the students you transport every day.

  • Powerful school transportation software automates previously manual processes, while providing flexibility to incorporate your expertise

  • Paperless, centralized data connects student transportation processes, simplifies reporting, and reduces manual data entry

  • Trusted by more than 1,100 districts to help keep their school bus routing and transportation operations running smoothly

  • Serving the industry since 1984, Tyler has the expertise to be your district's partner in solving your unique student transportation operations management challenges

Explore Solutions for Complete Student Transportation Operations Management

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Powerful School Transportation Tools That Work Together

Tyler's Student Transportation software manages school bus routing, fleet maintenance, and activity trips with tools that work independently and in coordination. Unlike traditional software that offers piecemeal functionality with different interfaces, data sources, and requirements for training and installation, Student Transportation connects your operations.

  • Route buses
  • Plan event trips
  • Track work orders
  • Schedule fleet maintenance
  • Manage GPS data

School Bus Routing Software to Manage Each Street, Stop, and Student

With powerful, easy-to-use school bus routing software, route customizations are made simple.

  • Global map allows for out-of-district runs
  • Add a stop with a single click
  • Place stops in realistic locations without overwriting address data
  • Tailor stops for students with varying schedules, destinations, and other accommodations
  • Geolocate a run with your smartphone
  • Automatically optimize runs for efficiency

A Better User Experience With Student Transportation Technology

If you’re used to seeing school transportation software that feels dated and inefficient, you'll know right away that Tyler's Student Transportation software is a game changer.

  • Touch-friendly and functional on mobile devices
  • Intuitive web-based interface
  • Customized views by role
  • Secure cloud environment
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Gain Student Transportation Software Insights From Our Resource Center

Our Resource Center has informative and engaging content to help you understand how Tyler’s Student Transportation software
can impact your department’s operations.

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Looking for valuable software connections for Student Transportation?

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Want more information?

Download the Student Transportation brochure to learn more.

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Have questions?

Contact us today. We are here to answer your questions and help you find the right solution.

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Powerful Functionality to Enhance Your Student Transportation Operations Management

Painting the vision of fully connected communities.

At Tyler, we imagine a world where all city, county, and regional government services are connected within a healthy digital infrastructure. Connecting data, processes, and people makes communities safer, smarter, and more responsive to the needs of residents.

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