2023 VSO Excellence Award Winner: Denise Formolo

July 08, 2024 by Leslie Steckler

2023 VSO Excellence Award Winner: Denise Formolo

Tyler’s VSO Excellence Awards recognize the outstanding work VSOs provide to those who have served in our nation’s armed forces. We are pleased to feature one such VSO, Denise Formolo from Dickinson County, Michigan, who won the All-Star Community Advocate award for her exceptional advocacy for veterans.

Denise may not be a veteran herself, but her dedication as a Veteran Service Officers (VSOs) in northern Michigan will have a major impact on the veteran population across the state and the United States as a whole. In collaboration with her congressman, she championed a change to federal law that would allow veteran families to claim burial benefits.

Championing Change

Denise’s journey toward writing this new bill began with Gerald, a local veteran, and an active volunteer at Dickinson County’s VA hospital. When Gerald was diagnosed with cancer, he was admitted to the VA hospital for care. As the disease progressed and he was going to be placed in hospice care, he decided he would prefer to be at home rather than the VA hospital. He passed away nine days later in his home, surrounded by family and friends.

When Gerald’s family came to the Dickinson County Veterans Service Office to apply for burial benefits, they were informed that they did not qualify. Because Gerald had received hospice care at home instead of at the VA hospital, his family was not eligible for the two thousand dollars that they would have received if he had remained at the hospital until his passing.

“My heart went out to the family, and I told them I would do something to fix the issue so other families would not have the same issue,” Denise said. “No veteran should have to stay at a VA hospital versus going home in their final days of their lives.”

A Victory for Veterans

After speaking with Gerald’s family, Denise decided that a bill allowing veteran families to claim burial benefits, no matter if the veteran died at home or in a VA hospital, was in order. She approached her congressman to sponsor the bill. 

“[Our congressman] and our office have always had a really great relationship,” Denise said. “He agreed no veteran should have to decide where or how to spend their last days because of money.”

Eventually introduced in committee and approved by the VA, HR 234 will afford seriously ill veterans’ peace of mind knowing that they can opt to go home and be with their loved ones in their final days. 

“They fought for us in life. It’s our turn to stand by them and their loved ones,” Denise said.

Denise's efforts demonstrate the spirit of the VSO Excellence Awards, and we are incredibly proud to honor her hard work and achievements. Congratulations, Denise!

Interested in how this technology can improve your agency’s veterans’ benefits claim management process? Learn more about Tyler’s Veterans’ Benefits, and the full suite of Workforce Case Management solutions.

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